Is Total Approach Wellness Right For You?

Are You Consistently Struggling With Low Energy, GI Issues, Sleep Problems, Or Having Troubles Losing Weight?

How We Help Patients Overcome Their Chronic Symptoms and Teach You How to Take Control of Your Health


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Cynthia Phillips

Total Approach Wellness

Did You Know?

Do you know that 1 in 2 people suffer silently for years with reversible hormone imbalances, digestive disorders, stealth infections, and cognitive issues like brain fog and memory loss?

Do you also know that many people with these chronic health issues are never properly tested by their primary care doctors?

Oftentimes, they hear “everything is fine” or “it’s just a sign of getting older” when they know they don’t feel fine and feel like they aren’t being heard.

Left unchecked, all these issues can lead to more complicated health problems such as autoimmune disease, chronic pain, inflammation and heart disease, and obesity.

Join Us To Learn

  • ​Why your current health care provider may not be making the connection between chronic symptoms to what's really ailing you
  • What questions to ask your health provider to ensure you're partnering with the right expert
  •  What advanced lab testing will provide the information needed to arrive at a precise diagnosis, so you don't have to guess as to how to treat your digestive distress
  •  Why lifestyle can also play a huge role in how to rebalance and deal with chronic symptoms once we discover the root cause

Meet Cynthia Phillips, PA-C

Cynthia Phillips, PA-C, ABAAHP is the mother of two daughters and 2 amazing grandchildren. She graduated from Campbell University Cum Laude. She furthered her education in Functional Medicine by attending the American Academy of Functional and Metabolic Medicine earning a diplomat designation in 2012. At that point, she felt she could really help patients reach their healthcare goals by reversing their diseases and helping them realize a healthier happier life and changed the focus of her practice to a Wellness model.

She plans to concentrate on her Wellness program in her Total Approach practice in which she will help patients learn how to live a healthier lifestyle and identify the power and strength that lies within them to make that change.

You’ll discover how to do all of that (and so much more) at my upcoming Workshop:

Creating the Perfect Practice in the 21st Century

How to Build, Scale & Grow Your Functional Medicine Practice for the Future

©2025 Total Approach Wellness | 2823 Arlington Avenue, Fayetteville NC 28303 | Phone 910.543.8400

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